The Bitcoin Dilemma

I heard about Bitcoin years back. Some news sandwiched away somewhere, ignored. (I came to crypto much later.) I glanced it away as a fad. I realised just a few weeks before that it is world-changing. After the corona, the epoch of the cryptos, and the real challenge to world bankers who until now had people as their slaves. The only real custodian of anyone’s money has arrived. Themselves. How big a con is this keeping us under duress that our money is not safe under us. And also printing the shit out of it without any value backing it and making it useless and inflationary. There is literally no evidence that anytime in recorded history the custodians of our money didn’t see a way to use and misuse money entrusted to them. And they are haughty to boot.

Now, enter the crypto guys and gals. The intelligent of the planet somehow succeeded in turning the tables on them. The algorithm that they had used until now, the computers that had served them to spy on us, is now our saviour. The irony! But this won’t be an easy fight. Not by a long shot. But, money evolves. Bitcoin might be a damn cold hydraulic press on the inequities of this world. Let’s ride it to the moon. Maybe this won’t remain just a dream.


Reader. Writer. Father of two. A storyteller.
