
Is it possible to live without debts? I mean, live life without a single moolah of debt to others. I am not talking about the uber-rich. They create money, not necessary for them to ask for money other than to get tons of loans from people’s money and ‘risk’ it and eat it. I am talking about the remaining 99%. Those whom we call the human species. I guess not. For there are too many products and marketing executives bent on making you horny for the next issue of the newest mobile. Not to mention the majority of people who have to survive some form of debt to feed themselves. How different would we be if we didn’t have the function of powering ourselves with calories? Maybe, we would have not destroyed this earth this much. Or, the scene could be entirely different if we out of boredom nuked our asses and called it a day. Both are possible I guess.


Reader. Writer. Father of two. A storyteller.

Jinxed Jar


Snatches of life…