
The point of life is nothing. And therein lies the rub. How could something this fascinating and elaborate be for nothing? Maybe we sentients are woefully lacking in intelligence to find this out yet. I am sure many of us by now would have wished Einstein were still alive today. I know I am. This little girl I know would have for sure loved to have Einstein by her side, asking a million questions about this life. And he might have answered a good number of them, smiling puffs out of his pipe.

The lack of consequences is what driving this planet to the brink. If a smoker gets his cancer in months instead of years later, he will stop smoking and combusting the earth at the same time. If at all a rich guy is caught gaming the system and bombing the country in months instead of waiting for him to build his rocket and settles on Mars with his grandchildren kind of like Interstellar shit, the Amazon might still be recycling carbon like it was just decades before. No. The lack of immediate consequences has assholes of the world unite and take a collective shit on humanity is what killed the earth. This is not hyperbole. We are already doomed. And we hold the rich of this world accountable. Technology is for the advancement of humanity. Not for the stock ticker to be horny always. And we are never uniting to save ourselves for we have been ingrained that ‘unity’ is a bad word. With word origins on the badlands of the ‘Russians’ or ‘commies’. We might as well burn the house ourselves. Now I regret having babies. Too late. I am gonna be stuck like a pig when my daughter asks the question.


Reader. Writer. Father of two. A storyteller.

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